Combine Your Marketing Video With A Complementary Chat Bot Using SMART IM Tools

Combine Your Marketing Video With A Complementary Chat Bot Using SMART IM Tools

Hi Everyone…

We are pleased to announce a package deal for your websites that we feel will be a home run for business growth! We are associated with SMART IM Tools under the Soaring Eagle LLC umbrella (this company owns both of our operations), so this was something that needed to happen to bring more features to our clients and to chatbot clients that are working with the SMART IM Chatbot Team.

This is made even better by the way we are offering the services. As part of the launch of SMART Chatbots Service, they are offering the first 1000 clients a free video created by our team that meshes with the chatbots in some key ways that will present a congruent message to your website visitors and clients too.

Since the sale is mainly focused on the Chatbot side, we decided that we needed to add something on our side as well, since there are clients that are looking for videos for their websites that may also be interested in upgrading their support or sales programs at an extremely low cost (for less money too!).

Let’s drill down…


Here is how it works:

First, let’s talk about the current offer for the chatbots, and show how the complementary video from us comes into play…

What Are SMART Chatbots?

Here is a short explanation for you…



There are 4 levels of chatbot service that the SMART Chatbot Team offers, from Basic to Platinum, and the prices at the moment (while the launch special is in place – until the 1000 client threshold is reached) range between $100 to $500 to start (the platinum does have a monthly maintenance fee), and with ANY of these packages, you get a video from us for your website!

The video bonus is being created by us, and we will prepare it based on the client’s requirement sheet that we are provided by the SMART Chatbot Team Member assigned to the client. Once we have the first draft prepared, it will be added to the package demo for the client to review.

Once we have feedback we will make any changes that have been requested and get the next draft back to the SMART ChatBiot Team Member, who will get the final approval from the client. We will then provide a copy of the final client-approved video. For further support, the client would coordinate with their SMART Chatbot Team Member. We will support that member and their client.

Our video team can create videos for any niche, not just the ‘hottest’ ones that may be in play, as many other agencies offer. We have templates, we can create unique scripts, do voiceovers, use AI technology to add in avatars that match with the chatbot avatar you elect, and the two will provide congruency as to the ‘face’ of your website.

Let’s look at some samples so you can see exactly what I am talking about here with this great offer…


Example of a SMART ChatBots

Here is a LIVE example of a typical chatbot – This is the one that the SMART Chatbot Team has built for THIS website. It is promoting this launch special offer that includes the bonus video that you will get from us!


(click below to see this in action!)



Example of a Complementary SMART Video…

Now here is a demo of the types of videos that we can create for any niche.



How The SMART Chatbot and the SMART Video Work Together For Your Business…

The two can use the same avatar, they can use the same audio voiceover, so the message on both is communicated from one representative in the same voice. The audio voice is using the latest AI technology, with the same voice quality as that found on the best platforms such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Google Voice, etc.

Our recommendation would be to make sure that the messages sent by the chatbot and the video mesh well and support one another as much as possible. It will present a better image to your website visitors, and also to your clients. This is not something that you will see on many websites (the technology we have is unique) so you will be able to stand out in a number of ways.


How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?

Normal prices for our videos start at $497 for a single 1 to 1.5-minute spot, and of course, our service includes creating the video, hosting the video (if requested), and uploading the video for the client (if requested). Of course, there are always sales going on, and you likely can get one for less, but this is the regular price.

Regarding the chatbots, these normally run much more than the launch prices in place at the moment. In looking at some of the competing services out there, the prices are between 1/5 to 1/3 of what you will see our competitors offering their services at. In addition, there are limits on the number of views and actions that you can have with most providers. Not with the SMART Chatbots.


Here is the cost for each level of the SMART Chatbot special offer:


Basic: $120 ($100 with $20 coupon)

Silver: $220 ($200 with $20 coupon)

Gold: $320 ($300 with $20 coupon)

Platinum:  $500 ($480 with $20 coupon)


More details for each (remember you also get the bonus $497 video!) can be found on the sales page you can access using the link below. If you do not want to wait or read the rest of this post, and would rather secure your chatbot and video bonus right now before the slots are filled, here is the link:


Follow The Link To The Sales Page

More details about the special offer are there…


NOTE: On that sales page, click on the apply now button, you will be asked for your name and email, and from there will be sent to an application form page that includes an appointment calendar. Fill out that form, and add in an open date on our calendar and we will revert with an email affirming the appointment.


Are These Sales Tools Using Latest Technologies?

Yes. Our videos and the chatbot tools are cutting edge. We use the newest technologies that modern editing tools offer to create unique and eye-catching videos for you. We back up our service with personalized care, and we work on short notice to help you get your video up and running on your websites.

We also keep a running record of your account so we can provide usage data, changes, and edits to the chatbot, and the video that is associated with the offer. You also will deal normally with one team member for this offer, and they will coordinate internally for both the video and the chatbot.

This means you have a one-stop support point for both the video and the chatbot. This makes it easier for you to get any support that you might require. On our side, it makes it easier too. We know that there will be times when one or more team members will be on vacation, so we will have secondary managers standing by. 


What About SEO Concerns?

We create the video using the keywords or long-tailed keywords that you provide to us. If you do not have these, we can suggest some to you and once approved, incorporate them into the script for you. Note you will also get the transcript for the video so you can add subtitles to the video if you would like (i.e. if you are using YouTube).

We even will suggest a description and tags that you can use. These are all just suggestions, of course, you have the final approval for the video and we will create it based on your requirements. For an additional charge, we can also provide hosting for your videos outside of YouTube if you need this.

Although SEO is not our main focus, it is an important focus, as we do realize that the more free traffic you can get the better. It will bring your paid acquisition cost per client down to a more reasonable level. This is where these added SEO benefits will help you and they come at no extra cost from us. There are other services too that we can offer, just ask! 


Some More Samples Of The SMART Video and SMART Video Tandems We Can Build For You…

Have a look around at some sample chatbots the SMART Chotbot Team can create, and get your appointment today to have a chatbot installed at rock-bottom prices as well as getting a video for your home page at no cost! These 1000 slots will be filled fast (we are going global with this offer in over 10,000 cities) so take action now!  




How Do You Get Started?

Glad you asked, and we are here to help you get in on this great offer before it goes away. We have a sales page if you would like to see more in regards to the chatbots, and on this website, you can find out more about our video services.

If you just want to sign up and get started right now, go to the following page and after providing your name and email address, you can fill out a short application form and set up an appointment.




Once we have an appointment scheduled, we will have a short meeting with you via chat (what else?) to document the exact requirements you are looking for and make sure that create the chatbot and video that you need and want. 

After we do the final edits on both the video and the chatbot, and you have accepted the final versions, we will send you an invoice, and once paid, either add it to your website for you or provide you code or a WordPress plugin so you can install them.


Is There A Moneyback Guarantee?

Yes, there is. You can request a refund at any time for 30 days after payment and for any reason. We will quickly refund and remove the video and chatbot from your website. This is not an issue.

How can we offer such a deal? It is easy when you provide quality service and products. To date, we have had no refunds, and although there may be some circumstance where we might have one, it will not be because our video and chatbots are not working.


Okay, I Am Ready To Get This Offer, What Is Next?



Here again, is the sales page that contains more details about the special offer that is valid through the first 1000 clients that have taken advantage of the offer:



NOTE: On that sales page, click on the apply now button, you will be asked for your name and email, and from there will be sent to an application form page that includes an appointment calendar. Fill out that form, and add in an open date on our calendar and we will revert with an email affirming the appointment.



There you go, I think you have all the details to get started ASAP before the special deal goes away. I know that 1000 sales sound like a huge number, but remember, we are offering this globally, so they will sell out quickly. Secure your today and tap into the power of video and chatbots that few of your peers are using. Stand out from your competition today!

Also, please add in your thoughts and questions below. We are ready to get you on-boarded and upgraded to the latest technology that will help you grow your business faster, get you more leads, more sales, and allow you to scale up fast! Most importantly, you are going to have happier customers who appreciate your upgrade. It is as much for them as it is for you!


Dave : )


  1. This is a great opportunity, I think it new development when I read this article I discover that using this method will help me a lot when I try with this smart IM. The four levels of Chat-box service offer a good range for people at different levels of experience and need. I appreciated you providing a live sample of a chat-bot. This helped me to understand it more. I expect the use of Smart IM Tools, where smart Chat-bots are part of, will become an outstanding success in the marketing world, especially in Affiliate Marketing.

    Which is why I find this content very valuable and extensive. And with the money back guarantee for 30 days this is a very attractive offer. Thanks for the education and insights as this is a product I may use as my site develops.

    • Hi, Nasrin…

      I am glad that you found the content useful and we are quite excited to join up the SMART Video and Chatbot teams to bring this special offer to business owners. The services each team offers really helps business owners and our staff is all dedicated to providing solutions for clients.

      The power of video cannot be underestimated and chatbots are the same. As more and more companies get on board using chatbots, we want to build sensible bots that will help their operations, increase leads, and result in more sales.

      Right now as an introductory offer we have put together this special offer and once we have hit 1000 clients, we will close the special and revert to our normal pricing. There has been a massive response so far and we look forward to more clients looking to get in on this special deal.  


      Dave : )

  2. Hi Dave

    This really is a great use of AI technology in your Chatbot’s, this would be ideal for me as I have often considered adding videos to my niche site but the thought of being in front of the camera isn’t something that I would feel comfortable doing. I’m sure this would be useful for many people like me and the cost seems reasonable compared to others.

    The only thing I noticed in the demo is that the chatbot seems to speak quite quickly, can that be slowed down?

    • Hi, Dominic…

      These chatbots and video sets are ideal for the likes of us that do not want to appear in front of the camera, The scripts can be created to cover what you want to pass on to the user, and the avatar and AI technology means that you do not even have to record your own voice.

      Most certainly you can slow these down or speed them up and even change the pitch and accent. I am from the northern states (MN) so tend to want the voice to move a bit faster, but it can be slower. I actually did a speed-up when recording this, so it is interesting that you mention this.

      You can also provide a recording of your own voice or use another professional voiceover if you prefer, as the tools we are using is quite flexible and pretty much it depends on what the customer would like to have. The videos do help as does the chatbot when it comes to providing a more enriching customer experience.


      Dave : ) 

  3. Is there is refund policy for the program? I am really hooked to try it out for my website and automation is one of the keys to online business success according to Dan Lok at least.

    Although it was a good overall opening for me about how these smart robots work and how I could utilize them. How do you think should I strategically put the chatbots on my website? 

    You see I am new to blogging and website building if you could help me out here, I would appreciate it very much.

    • Hello, Rizza…

      Yes, you can read about the refund policy in the terms and conditions for this offer. It is a standard one and so far we have had no refunds. I think that is an indication of just how valuable the special package is that we have put together for the SMART Video and Chatbot package deal.

      I do think that the base of your website should be good content that has been optimized for SEO. Only then will you get the traffic that will look at your videos and use the chatbot. The content needs to be engaging and useful too. You have to make sure to add value to the audience that you are going after.

      Once you have that, there are a number of ways to then capture the names and emails of prospects so you can start building a relationship with them through emails, live videos, Facebook groups and business pages, and etc. It is like building a house. 

      You want a strong foundation and from there you can add in the walls and eventually the accessories that make your house not only strong but one that everyone wants to visit and be a part of. I hope this helps. Do stop in again and let us know how things are progressing.

      When you are ready, the SMART Video and Chatbot teams stand by and are ready to get you added to our growing list of happy customers that use our services for video, chatbots, and more. We look forward to bringing you into the fold!


      Dave : ) 

  4. Hello Dave. To tell you the truth I was skeptical at first about using a Chatbot. But then I realized that using a Chatbot won’t dehumanize your website if you use it correctly. Like a spoon or a knife, it’s a tool created to be used.

    But as I still am new to making money online, I need more traffic (currently 20 visitors per day) and more experience + learning + actual income from selling online.

    I played with the Chatbot in your site and it looks good. I read all the above comments so I know that it can be customized according to your needs. It will certainly “occupy!” my mind from now on till the time comes that I put it to use.

    I am looking forward to the evolution of these Chatbots as for me it’s quite early. Have a nice day.

    • Hi, George…

      No problem at all, you are right to build your business and traffic to the point where a SMART Chatbot or similar makes sense. I would recommend creating a YouTube channel and adding some videos about your business and adding them to your website.

      This is why the SMART Video and Chatbot offer is so compelling for small business owners. They can get some fresh and unique videos that explain who they are and what they do and also have a SMART Chatbot that sends a congruent message to the users.

      That will get you more traffic and longer on-site visits as people like videos. Your bounce rate will go down and you will have more chances to promote or give something away (and capture a name and email so you can build a relationship).

      Please do stop by here to get updates as we both progress, more is coming on our side. We have several exciting offers we are working on at the moment. You can also keep up by checking out our MMO (making money online) website at where we place a lot of new content.


      Dave : ) 

  5. Ok, this is a cool feature. I do not like to be on camera, so using chat bot is really appealling to me. I have been slow to start my youtube marketing because I did not want to be on camera. Now, the price is quite considerable, is it a monthly fee? or is it a one time payment? And can I choose my avatar? can I change an avatar anytime I want?


    • Good Day, Adyn…

      I am camera shy as well, so I can relate to the reluctance to record a video myself. The avatars that we have (or green screen actors) make this a non-issue for our videos and chatbots. In fact, because we can use the same avatars for both the niche video and the SMART Chatbot, there is a congruence that you have that helps convert users and website visitors.

      You can choose the package that fits your budget and needs, and we design the two based on what you may be looking for. The scripts are also canned but can be changed to meet your unique needs based on the niche and business name. We can add in logos, we can use the voice that you may want (accent, etc.) and also set the chatbot up to open and run as you wish.

      There is an extreme amount of flexibility that you have as a customer, and ask to see what you can do, and we will do our best to set it up as you may want. We will also be straight with what we cannot do. The pricing levels are different and if you want the top end SMART Chatbot, there is a monthly cost.

      Most people can very well get by with the cheaper editions, however, so there is no monthly cost to maintain and make minor changes to the chatbot. If the changes are significant there could be a charge. We have different service packages that will explain the differences in what you get with each level.

      So far we have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the SMART Chatbots and the video package that we are offering. People like that we can handle their needs on a one on one basis, much more personal than you get with a large company where you are just another number.


      Dave : )

  6. Hey Dave! This looks like a really cool feature to have on a website. It is something I never considered before but I can see the benefit on how it can increase awareness of what a website is about, how to capture leads, increase conversions, and reduce bounce rate as people will stay longer to interact. I may do this for my next website but I have a few questions.

    1. If I wanted to do only a SMART Video without the SMART Chatbox, is that an option?

    2 The script that the avatars speak, is that provided by me?

    3. When choosing the Chatbox, are there function settings like screen placement and not having the avatar icon bounce around when minimized?

    4. Do I have a choice of colors to use for avatar’s responses? For example, you are using light blue with white letters. Can mine be light green with black letters?

    Sorry for the questions but I just want to get a clearer understanding before I decide to try this once I get my next website to the point of incorporating this.

    Thanks in advance for your responses.


    • Hello, Robert!

      Thanks for stopping through, first of all, I do believe this is the first comment that I have had from you (I could be wrong, we do operate quite a few sites and I do not track them all, our VAs do some)…

      What I like about the SMART Chatbots is that they are so versatile. They can be used for growing your leads, offering specials and flash sales, for gaming discounts, appointments, support, and the like all automatically. You are limited only by your imagination.

      Now to answer your questions…

      (1) If I wanted to do only a SMART Video without the SMART Chatbox, is that an option?

      A: Most certainly you have the option to get either one or the other, and as you may like to have them. We have live people, avatars, animation, or typography niche videos that we offer to clients for their websites.

      (2) The script that the avatars speak, is that provided by me?

      A: The script can be created by us based on what your requirements are and then you can edit them as you like. We can also take the entire script from you if you like. Depending on the target audience, we can also change the dialects for you to match the area.

      (3) When choosing the Chatbox, are there function settings like screen placement and not having the avatar icon bounce around when minimized?

      A: Yes, indeed, we can set these up in so many ways. There can be no bouncing or an icon or it can open automatically, etc. The screen placement is also center, left, or on the right side of the page as you may need depending on the design you have.

      (4) Do I have a choice of colors to use for avatar’s responses? For example, you are using light blue with white letters. Can mine be light green with black letters?

      A: You can provide the exact colors that you are using on your website and we can match it with the chatbot. It really helps to have chatbot blend in and look like it was designed as part of the overall website. 

      The questions are no issue at all, we are glad to get such questions as it helps us expand on just what the SMART Chatbots will do for your online business and website. I actually want to thank you for thinking this through and asking some very good questions.

      If you would like to have the SMART Chatbot Services Team mock up something for you as you get closer to launching your new website drop us a line! 


      Dave : )

  7. Having one representative in the same voice for both the chatbox and video would be a swell idea, I can see it already! Although the chatbox is indeed a robot, having a familiar voice can be very warming indeed and helps a lot in terms of conversions of sales. 

    I think the price is quite affordable, it’s definitely lower than paying for a video creator who would charge thousands for that service along with the model and their time. Is there a way to edit the chatbox to slide in some informal words every now and then? Wouldn’t my site to look like a boring full formal corporate-ish company as my target market is mostly teens 😀

    • Hi There, Riaz…

      Most definitely you can adjust the script to whatever you would like to, and even the language if desired. Let’s say the website’s main target audience is in Germany. The script and avatar can speak German, and the chat script can also write the comments and links, etc. in German.

      That really makes a difference and is one way that the SMART Chatbots set themselves apart from the other services that are out there. We also are offering this special deal to help grow our business and brand, and are looking for the life cycle value of taking care of a customer versus making a one-time transaction with them.

      We are here for the long-term and know that they are too. Hence the more that we can provide in value to them, the longer they will want to work with us. This is a win-win situation, as there are many services we can help with like social marketing, local SEO, and video ads, etc.


      Dave : )

  8. Interesting stuff you have there Dave. I am pretty sure using a chatbot on a video can be attractive to the audience, although I am a bit reserved about the idea. It seems a lot of videos are using that on YouTube nowadays and they kind of struck me as somewhat amateurish. 

    Honestly, I wasn’t aware that they cost that much (within the range of hundreds) so it’s not really that cheap after all. How would you differentiate yours with other programs out there though? All of them look pretty much the same to me. 

    • HI, Cathy…

      Offline businesses are used to paying prices well above what we are charging, that is one advantage that we have over the competition. People can go in different directions with both the niche videos and the chatbots we have on offer.

      We have animation videos, these avatar videos, and green screen options for the clients. They can tell us what they prefer and then we build it to their specification. The Green Screen videos are actual people that we can replace the backgrounds for using a video or an image…

      The SMART Chatbots are the same with different options such as avatars, real people, or even a recorded message from owners if they would like. There are some customers that are trying to stand out from what 99% of the other businesses are doing, and that is where the options we have come into play…

      In your case, for a chatbot that you personally put together, you can do it much cheaper using a site like ManyChat and the Facebook Messenger tool. The problem for many business owners is that this requires learning yet one more thing and spending time to get it working right.

      They are losing time from doing the things that are going to help them make more money doing activities they know about, such as actual sales calls and the like. The time they save having us build and maintaining their chatbot is more than made up by the additional business and the time they have to work on making more money doing things they know about.

      These videos are intended to be deployed on company websites, on social accounts (i,e, pinned to the top of a Facebook Page) or on a sales page (i.e. drumming up business leads). They also can be hosted on YouTube of course…There is a huge demand for this, and it will get you more views to your website…


      Dave : )

  9. Hi Dave, I’m thinking of using this feature in one of my niche sites. The site is about natural hair loss solutions, so you can imagine what it would be like to have this chat box installed in that site. It will induced a response from our visitors especially those who are dire need of solutions to their thinning hair.

    There’s just one thing that I’d like to make sure before I finally get this for my site. Most of my audiences are coming from Southeast Asia and other countries with low internet signal or the speed is too slow. Will the slow internet speed affect the behavior of the chat box?

    • Hello, Gomer…

      The SMART Chatbot will work very well for what you are describing and needing. The SMART Chatbot will operate with no problem at slow speeds, and as icing on the cake, it will also speak in their language if they speak one of the 25 that they can automatically switch to!

      This is a huge feature that can really capture your site visitors and keep them on your page longer.  My idea would be to provide a lead magnet and perhaps have different versions depending on where they are coming from and what they are looking for.

      Your thank you page could have different options to download the lead magnet in whatever languages you offer it in. The speed will be as fast as your website loads, it will not have an effect on that time. I have installed these on many websites now, and it has not impacted the loading times much at all.

      Let us know your exact requirements and let’s build something that will beat the pants off the competition you may have across the region! Also, I have some other great ideas on top of chatbots that might work well too if you have a business address and shop offline.


      Dave : )

  10. This is crazy cool. I can only imagine the increase in conversions by adding a chat box into any niche box. 

    I was having a good old chat with Kiesha when poped up into the screen. I think it makes so much sense to have immediate live interaction, that is fully programmable. Does the program record all conversation ie customer input. 

    Your service look to be well ahead of the game. Nice stuff Dave.

    Talk soon Rob

    • Hello, Rob…

      The chatbot can be set up to send the user to a link where you can offer a discount or coupon, get them help, a live customer service agent, capture an email and name, or almost anything else like appointments, a video, or another website. It is very versatile.

      You can also add such a chatbot to a single page if you need to. For instance, if you are promoting a special event or maybe a product in a store, you could address the specifics for that single page. It does work well to start the relationship.

      Right now you will notice that Keisha is a bit annoying, as she is so persistent in trying to get you to listen to her. That is the way we set her up, but we will be backing off that. It was intended to be that way for the launch of the SMART Chatbot Services.

      Since we also create and sell niche videos, we wanted to combine the power business owners can get with a niche video and a chatbot in one special offer. That offer is still ongoing and will end once we have sold 1000 packages. I know that sounds like a lot but there are literally millions of businesses out there that can use this SMART Chatbot and SMART Video service!


      Dave : )

  11. Wow what an interesting website. My eyes are still very wide open at the idea of the Chat Bot.

    You have great services available and it looks like you know your stuff.  Lots of great stuff to look at on this site, you can find out everything you need to know and make a decision on getting started.  The Pop-up Chat Bot Keisha is very persistent (which can be slightly annoying), but impressed me knowing I was in New Zealand!!!

    Looks like you have covered your niche well

    Nice Job

    Kind Wishes


    • Hi, Daisy…

      The chatbot is set up to be annoying and I will be changing that to make less intrusive to the website visitor. We have been doing a soft launch of SMART Chatbot Service so wanted to get the offer in front of as many people as possible. 

      It has been a bit of time, and now we are backing off the big initial push for new clients that we have made to now so thanks for bringing that up…The video and chatbot combination has been a winner for clients and for us. They save money, we build our brand and reputation…

      Our niche videos and the chatbot that complement one another is also a good tag team. There is a congruent message that business owners can send to their prospects and it helps build trust from what we have seen. So far this angle is working very well for us. SMART NIche Videos and SMART CHatbots are winners!


      Dave : ) 

  12. As far as the chatbots are concerned, it’s a great tool to help several business owners to automate everything in the business to save more time for something else more important than watching the page or monitoring the sales every single time. 

    By having these kinds of AIs working at the background, it provides efficiency for the business owners. Instead of spending a lot of time in front of the laptop to simply monitoring everything, having this is a great way to save time to do other tasks. That’s why I love about automation. Be it on my website, my page, or my emails. They work for me even if I won’t be present all the time.

    Which is why I find this content very valuable and extensive. Kudos to the author. 

    • Hi, Mecyll…

      Yes for business owners chatbots are like having an extra person on your team, perhaps more than one depending on where you use them and for what. So far we have experienced nothing but positive results and are quite pleased as you might imagine.

      The customers we have also like having them available for their use. Whether to get some help, get a discount, or perhaps play a game to get a prize. The AI and avatar mean that the client can feel like they are interacting with a human (at least to a greater degree than a simple chatbot).

      The SMART Chatbot service we have is taking off with business owners for that reason. We are finding that owners want these mainly for their home pages, and use them for appointments, customer service, and offering special deals.

      Thanks for the kind words, and please do stop in again!


      Dave : )

  13. I’ve been read your post very well. I really appreciate this post. After reading your article I think that to using chatbots Save our Time and Money and also help automate the beginning process of a customer relationship is a true winner in the near future. I want to know that What are The Best Ways To Use Chats to Increase Conversions? Such as Text chat, Video chat or Co-browsing.
    Thank you so much for giving us an excellent idea.

    • Hi There, Mehedi…

      I am glad that you gained value from this article and hope that you will see your way to adding a chatbot and of course use video on your business website. Both working in tandem can really add to the user experience and engagement.

      You can focus on all the areas that you mention with the chatbots. It is up to you. Note that you can even add a separate chatbot on a page by page basis. Let’s say you were highlighting a special offer, adding a chatbot would increase sales. Meanwhile, you use another one or customer service, etc. 

      Each customer has their own ideas on how best to leverage these chatbots, and as we get the varying requests, we are also learning more about the power they offer. Of course, video remains another powerful means to get your sales pitch across.

      This is why we decided to add in a niche video as a bonus for getting a chatbot through us. We also do video ads which I will be expanding on in another blog post, and these are another area where the business owner can farm out the work and focus on the sales funnel and payment gateway because we are doing their ad.


      Dave : )

  14. wow what a cool thing! I feel like something that works well with the chat bot here is how when it pops up at the bottom of the screen it knows where I am from and starts making conversation with me – I find this to be really easy to interact with. It shows me the website owner cares about me because they set their chat system up so well – they want me to interact. That’s really cool – I haven’t seen one like this. I’m impressed!

    • Good Day, Karsha!

      Thanks for popping through and adding a comment, we always love to hear from visitors to our agency site! I am glad that you enjoyed the interaction with our chatbot, she is a very helpful avatar and we have grown quite attached to her.

      She promotes, welcomes, points to support pages, offers coupons, and more. Also, she never asks for a day off, she never gets sick, and she is so friendly, even at 0200 in the morning! It just is nice to know that she is there helping out the team.

      The SMART Chatbots are turning out to be so popular, we look forward to providing similar services to even more businesses just as our Keisha does for us. She is also a smart dresser, which I am not. I generally wear jeans and a t-shirt!


      Dave : )

  15. When using chatbots do you think that it would be wiser to emulate how bigger corporations are using their chatbot tech and how they interact with customers, or should you stick to your own original formula in case you ever decide to use them?

    This is all fairly new info to me, tbh. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi, Mike…

      I think it really depends on what your marketing strategy may be. If you are running an e-commerce store, the things you want the chatbot to take care of will differ from say a dental office. This is why we offer the businesses lots of options in designing the scripts, the sequences, even the videos or images that we can include.

      Once we do an on-boarding meeting, we will have a good idea about what they are looking for. Then we create the chatbot and show them a demo of it live. We make any final changes based on the client, and we provide the code or install it for the client.

      It is a process that involves several steps, but it also gives us a chance to get to know the client and vice versa it is the same. We have ancillary services that we can offer like video ads, social marketing management, and videos, so it really works out well for all.


      Dave : )

  16. I love this chat box idea and it’s the first time I ever heard of them, money back guarantee sounds promising.  Also being able to implement SEO as well is a great option.   I do have one question though, is it possible to somehow record your own voice and use that one for the bot and video?  

    • Hello, Amanda…

      Yes, you most certainly can provide a recording and have it lip-synced to the avatar, or even better, if you have access to a green screen capable studio, we can use a video of you for this. So far, none have wanted this, but it is possible.

      These SMART chatbots are very versatile, and we can design them per the client’s request within the range of features as we have access to with our platform. Part of the onboarding process is to conduct a call with the client to nail down exactly what they want.

      As of now, we have had a lot of interest and are actively deploying 50 chatbot orders. The pace is picking up, and I am sure that we will have no problem getting these out to thousands of small-business owners over the coming months and years.


      Dave : )

  17. I appreciate the information on this product and I am not familiar with Chat Bot at all.  Being one of the first one thousands (1000) clients of this product and receiving a free video produced by their technical team is a great incentive. 

    The four (4) levels of Chatbox service offer a good range for people at different levels of experience and need.  I appreciated you providing a live sample of a chatbot.  This helped me to understand it more.  

    I see the importance of having the Smart Video and Smart Chatbot be congruent so that they support each other well.  This technology is fascinating in how it helps a person to stand out from their competition.

    With all that is offered I find the prices fair for the various levels, and with the coupons a person is able to save additional money.  And with the money back guarantee for 30 days this is a very attractive offer.  Thanks for the education and insights as this is a product I may use as my site develops.

    • Hi, Joseph…

      We think we are giving a lot of value for the price, and that is okay for us, as we know that our first-time customers will come back again and again as we grow our teams that will offer different kinds of agency services for their business.

      The chatbot that we are using on this website is just one example, and it is not the high-end level that we can build. The reason is that for our purposes, this mid-range chatbot was enough. For our e-commerce stores, it is the same, the mid-priced chatbot does everything we need it to do.

      Most businesses will be able to use that same chatbot level, so for $300, they will get a high-end video and chatbot. We maintain it for a year, make minor changes monthly, and provide reports to the customers. At the end of the year, they can renew for another year at 80% of the first year price too.

      Thanks for popping through, and thanks for adding your thoughts!


      Dave : )

  18. This is great opportunity, I thing it new development when I read this article I discover that using this method will help me a lot when I try with this Smart IM. This Smart IM is new and has a quality of productivity, when I check it here I see many thing which will help me.Thank you for sharing this Information it will help a lot of people when they start using it.

    • Hi, Mohammad…

      Thanks for stopping by and reading through this latest post on our video deal that we have going on with the SMART Chatbot Service Team at the moment. We are looking forward to taking care of as many businesses as possible through the arrangement, the more the better!

      The two programs do mesh well together, and it is our hope that even more businesses will become aware of what we have to offer. Having something unique, fresh, and full of interesting and valuable content is what these videos are all about.

      Between the videos that our agency creates and the chatbots, we can help these businesses improve the user experience and keep on the site and available to do business with. That is the whole point, and we know that, as do the businesses we are working with now.


      Dave : )

  19. As soon as I landed on your page I was impressed by the Smart Bot system you have in play in the bottom corner of your screen (bottom left). 

    I’m wondering if I was to use this system, is there any way I can tone it down slightly for my visitors? I have a lot of organic traffic but I feel a lot of them won’t appreciate the constant badgering from a bot like the one you have here. 

    Is there any way I can limit the welcome/response to visitors down to one message?

    • Hi, Chris…

      I set this chatbot up to do that recurring popping up to make sure it got attention, but as you say, it can be annoying for some website visitors. That is easily solved by the settings I can use to have it show up only when clicked on (the animated bubble), or have it pop up once, then not again, etc. 

      It offers a lot of flexibility such as on exit popping up, which can help keep people on your website longer and hopefully give you the chance to sell them something, or provide a coupon or a discount, etc. It can also be set to show only one time, and when the visitor may want to see it again, they just have to click on the animated image.

      We can also just show the avatar and audio, or just the chatbot with no audio. If you go through the sequences, you will also see that we can embed a video with the chatbot too, we can send the user to a support or FAQ area, link to an appointment page, etc.

      There really is a lot of flexibility that we can offer, and the top end chatbot is on the same level as some of the best AI technologies out there (we are tapping into the same system). The thing I do not like about that is that it can lead the prospect in directions you may not want them to go (but it is fun to play with and will keep people on your page)…

      I hope this answers the questions, please do ask more if not!


      Dave : ) 

  20. Hi! I never had an idea that something like chat bots exist – it is an awesome idea and great in terms that your visitors can actually see you when they are on your website. This is just brilliant, although it maybe expensive for newbies, but those that are making a living from websites will be perfect for them! nice article, keep them writing.

    • Hi, Primoz…

      The chatbots can be expensive when just starting out, and really until you are getting some traffic, they are not necessary. Once you have 100 people a day stopping at your website to read that high-quality, engaging content that you are publishing, then they can help.

      Just as with email marketing, it really makes sense when you have that level of traffic as well. Autoresponders are expensive and you have to learn how to write email copy, etc. So at the point, you have that traffic, adding the bots with the capturing of emails and names makes sense.

      You likely will also be earning some income by that point so the investment is not too bad. It is like adding more firepower to your online business. Our main focus with the SMART Chatnot launch is to add in a complementary video that will fit with the chatbot and provide a fresh unique experience for the website visitors.

      The video team is happy to be a part of the launch because they know it will also help get them more work later as other businesses want video services as well. The teams both fall under the Soaring Eagle LLC, so they should be working together!


      Dave : )

  21. I found the concept of Chat Bots fascinating. I have already had experience of interacting with virtual assistances in other companies customer service applications and found them lacking. Your Chat Bot covered a very wide range of examples to show that it could be used in any niche. I would like to see a comparison with existing virtual assistances or chat bots already out there. A couple of examples would be good enough for me. Apart from that I liked how you positioned your Chat Bot to provide a more efficient and economic way to not only connect with clients but also to interact with them in various scenarios. It would have been more reassuring if you posted a complete conversation train between a customer and your Chat Bot. 

    The discounted offer was very attractive. This looks like cutting edge technology used productively. I expect the use of Smart IM Tools, where smart Chat Bots is part off, will become an outstanding success in the marketing world, especially in Affiliate Marketing. 

    • Hey There, Edwin…

      The sequences are set up by us based on client requirements, so what you go through while interacting with one will vary from website to website. In our case, we also offer varying levels of AI function and features that allow the customer to design the chatbot to appear and act in a number of ways they feel comfortable with for their customers.

      Most certainly those that take the high-end package will have the most AI features included, and they will also have a number of ways to display them and more ways to leverage them for their business. Of course, all this comes at a cost, and there are many marketers that do not need or want that much.

      If you go to the demos, you will see a wide variety of niches and purposes these chatbots have been set up to handle. Also, there are some that have a deeper sequence of events than others, so you will see ow thy interact as you go through them and react.

      I appreciate your feedback and questions, it does help flesh out the opportunity and the ins and outs of adding a chatbot to your website. I know that there are a lot of people that have these kinds of questions and as time goes on and we get more feedback, more answers will come just within the comment section! 


      Dave : )

  22. Hi Dave. I’m currently working on my first website, I still have a lot adjust and looking for more innovations to add. I’m definitely going for this SMART IM Chatbot because it looks so good on this website. Thanks to you for writing this great article review. I’ll be looking forward to new posts from you 

    • Hello Alex…

      Thanks for popping through and best of luck with your new website! It can be daunting when you start out, there is so much to learn and get done. Just keep at it and every day get a few more things done. It is all cumulative and before you know it, you will be well on your way.

      The SMART Chatbot Services will help you out when you are ready too. Once you start getting about 100 visits a day, I would start looking for adding these plus get an autoresponder service in play. This was you can capture leads and start building a relationship with them. 

      The chatbots can help get leads, provide customer support, promote your products or ones that you are using with affiliate marketing, etc. The options are endless. Add to that one of our cool videos that complements the chatbot, and you are gold!


      Dave : )

  23. I have been reading a lot about chatbots lately, and I haven’t found a negative review yet.

    Love that your chatbot spoke to me in Afrikaans, recognizing that I am from South Africa, not that I am Afrikaans speaking, but it was interesting that it picked that up.

    Do you find that your website has improved dramatically since you added the bot, or is it too soon to tell?

    • Good Day, Michel…

      Good to hear that the language option is working, I just got a comment from another visitor that it was hanging up (the translator)…These SMART Chatbots really have helped on the bounce rates (lowered them) and people are staying on the pages much longer.

      We are getting more opt-ins, more sales (offering coupons as part of the sequences), and the user experience seems to have improved (from customer feedback), so I have to say these do make a difference. Not sure if these effects will wear off over time as the novelty becomes the norm, but I do not think so, as good customer service in the now does not get old…

      Thanks for adding your thoughts and please do stop by again!


      Dave : )

  24. Hi

    Loved the idea of using a chatbot. I couldn’t help but notice that there is one to receive people on this page too. Mind if I point out some bugs, actually its trying hard to connect with me through my native language but it is unable to do so. I m not able to figure out what it wants to say. Well anyways I guess it works pretty well in other languages, Thanks for sharing!

    • Hello, Shashwat…

      Thanks for stopping by and providing some feedback…What language was it trying to load? There are a total of 25 that are set up, not nearly global coverage for sure…It will auto load the language based on your IP address. For instance, I am in Dubai, so it loads up Arabic.

      You can easily switch it to any language that you are comfortable with, just click and switch. Almost instantaneously the switch happens on the laptop I am using. I went through all the languages we have loaded and they seem to be working on my end…

      Try clearing your cache or reboot perhaps. Your device may be clogging up (mine does too)…


      Dave : ) 

  25. Hi Dave! Thank you for seeing permitting us to see demos of these ChatBots. They are really nice.

    I also like the option of creating videos within any niche that match the avatar of our ChatBot. This level of personalization is surely way ahead of what competitors offer.

    ChatBots are here to stay. And I’m seriously considering your option. Can I createmy own avatar?

    • Hey There, Henry!

      No issue on allowing a look at the chatbots, the video team asked me about posting an article here on them, and I said, why not! I do have clients that use our videos for their websites, and some are not aware that the chatbots are available through the sister team (SMART Chatbots Team). 

      Especially since they can get a low price for having one installed right now during the launch pricing, the video clients may very well want to get in and also get a free additional sales video for their website. It is a win-win for all with that offer.

      The key is that there will be a sense of congruence for the website visitor, as the same avatar and voice even can be used for the chatbot and the video. The two teams will work together and the chatbot team member assigned will be the front contact person for the client.

      Yes, chatbots are here to stay, and it is the job of the SMART Chatbot Team to get them onto as many websites as possible so many small business owners can tap into the power that they can add to the owners’ business!


      Dave : ) 

  26. I’m sorry but I’m not interested in your product. If I need help I would rather hire a real person for that not chat bot. Thanks and good luck

    • That is okay, Vance…There will be a portion of people and businesses that will not be interested in such a product. That is to be expected, much like some will not want to get involved in cannabis, which is the website that you have linked to in this comment. I know that is a niche I will stay away from as it is illegal in many areas and the laws are still unclear in other areas. I just would not want to take the risk. I know some people are willing to take it. I wish you also the best of luck with your business! Cheers! Dave : )

  27. Hello, first and foremost I would like to commend you for this very detailed article about the chat box using smart IM Tools. Based from all that I have read here I can confidently say I believe this will definitely help to improve my business as I can get quick feedback from my customer hence help improve my services to them. I will definitely include this in my budget for the coming month

    • HI Seyi…

      Thanks for the kind words, and we would welcome to have you join us as we grow. The SMART IM Tools concept is that we will continue to develop and offer products such as niche videos and SMART Chatbots. Right now we have a growing stable of products that businesses need for their online presence.

      The videos we now can offer go much further than the old days of video. There are so many innovations that allow the business owner to keep the people stopping by their websites to stay longer, giving more opportunities to sell something to them.

      As business owners ourselves, we realize this and are working hard to stay at the cusp of strategies that are cutting edge and disruptive from the norm, yet effective. That is what we are all about. If you have any questions on anything, just ask!


      Dave : )

  28. Wow! Thanks for sharing this wonderful review on the chat bot, I don’t really know much about having a chat bot on a website but it sounds to like a good idea of having the chat bot on my website too I will sign up and give it a thought on buying one too.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful review I will revisit for more articles like this on how to use the chat bot.

    • Hi There, Musbau…

      Thanks for stopping by and having a look at the sale for the launch that is going on now with the new SMART Chatbot Service our sister team is offering at the moment. When you develop a marketing plan, parts need to complement one another and directly address the overall strategy.

      This is where our services come in. Our videos are created with the business owner in mind and tailored to meet the rest of their marketing. It is the same for the chatbots that the SMART Chatbot Team builds for clients. Since the free video the new client gets is coming from our team, we work closely with the other team to get it done right.

      It also helps that the client will have one point of contact for both services. If they need a video, they can coordinate with the SMART Chatbot Team member who is assigned and working with them to get things started. The results will also be filtered back through that same point of contact, so the process is seamless for the client and organized on our side. 

      Please do stop by again, and be sure to ask any questions you may have, we will get you answers!


      Dave : )

  29. This is great opportunity, I thing it new development when I read this article I discover that using this method will help me a lot when I try with this Smart IM. 

    This Smart IM is new and has a quality of productivity, when I check it here I see many thing which will help me.

    Thank you for sharing this Information it will help a lot of people when they start using it.

    • Hi There, Mustapha…

      Yes right now with the low prices that the SMART Chatbot Team is offering during their launch many businesses will have the opportunity to get a sophisticated chatbot on their website plus get a free video as well. It is a limited quantity offer (only 1000 slots available) so I am sure there will be many happy clients!

      The reason we are posting here about the offer is that we are part of the package too. When business owners purchase a chatbot, they get a video created by us! That is a real deal for them, and of course, we are happy for them.


      Dave : )

  30. I just got attended to by your SMART Chatbot on your website. it was an exciting experience. It was so smart, it pointed out the country I am residing. 

    I have a thriving website and I have been looking for innovative ways to make my website more productive. I think the SMART Chatbot will serve for what I need. 

    • Hi, Peace…

      Thanks for stopping by! The SMART Chatbot Team is having a launch special that includes work for this team as well since there is a free video from us thrown in as part of the introductory package. Normally we sell such a video for $497 at retail price, as it does take quite a bit to create, edit, and get all the client requirements taken care of.

      We are trying to get the word out for the chatbot team so they will have as much work as we have over there, and most certainly I think this will happen. Their product is top quality, and we aim to get videos and chatbots on as many websites for businesses as possible.

      That is also why we are offering special low prices during the launch. Once we hit 1000 sales, the prices will go up! That sounds like a lot of sales, but based on the response and the target audience (huge as virtually every niche business can use these and anywhere that people are publishing websites) we think that they will be sold out quickly!


      Dave : ) 


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